We are so glad for your visit, we thank God our Father and our Lord Yeshua, Jesus the Messiah for keeping you and all His children, the Body of Christ faithfully, favorably, redemptively by Holy Spirit today. Amen

Without Holy Spirit our being here with you would not have been possible. Megan, our lead servant was radically saved in 2008, when Holy Spirit met her as she was reading His book, He inspired Choo Thomas to write - Heaven is So Real! In a particular scene in the book Jesus The Son of God, takes Choo to Heaven and reveals to her that all aborted babies, are kept with Him and will be resurrected from the dead and if their mothers are saved, they too will be resurrected from the dead, and will live with Him forever. She believed wholeheartedly that what she was reading at that moment was the absolute truth, she deeply regretted the abortion she had, a few years prior and surrendered all to Him. Holy Spirit led her to attend the local church and her love for Abba Father, His Son, the perfect Word of God and of the Holy Spirit of God began immediately. Jesus the Son of God had set her free from all guilt and shame into His perfect love! Amen!

It is our heart that according to the will of God we pursue by faith, the open doors he assigns us, as we seek him first, Psalmist Streetwear exists because of just that! Holy Spirit leading us to create garments the Saints of God would wear as they come and go within their Harvest Fields. Another way we claim every opportunity to praise our God in Heaven. For with every day, in every way we will praise the Lord! Amen! 

With Joy and Righteousness in Holy Spirit therefore, be blessed with His power and life through you, consuming you, going before you with His victory, today and forever as you accomplish His will, without ceasing! In the name of Yeshua, Jesus our Messiah and King! Amen! 

Shalom & Blessings to you, 

Team Psalmist Streetwear!

Connect with us on instagram @wearepsalmiststreetwear.com  or Psalmist Streetwear on Facebook.